Dioramas /
30 a dream of two days ago -
29 impossible measures -
28 dear -
27 it's important to me to be nothing that's part of something -
26 my body lies under the ocean -
25 send the pavement back to jesus and let other things grow -
24 just make more -
23 confession of the overfamiliar birdwatcher -
22 confession of a human animal that knows the imp -
21 confession of a human animal that went to see the dead gray whale -
20 confession of a human animal that would rather not -
19 confession of a human animal that eats canned tomatoes -
18 confession of a human animal that loves the world -
17 value of the geological record 3 -
16 value of the geological record 2 -
15 value of the geological record 1 -
14 oh -
13 memory of a big sky filled with water and air -
12 we ask too much of this shelter -
11 -
10 still life with expired license -
9 ~* ~* ~* -
8 -
7 frank alarm -
6 the rich will take tender care of the sky -
5 i want you to have everything you need -
4 my feelings about this bee -
3 coyotes -
2 seeing is believing -
1 hello, lovely world